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Sell at Aspriter Art

Sell at Aspriter Art

Welcome to Aspriter Art!
Open at Aspriter Art your own gallery and sell your art or paintings, without membership fees. Join Aspriter Art and start selling your
beautiful art now. We at Aspriter Art are happy to give you professional advice. You are the seller, your age is over 18. For your
convenience, the following are some of the most important requirements for Sellers as detailed in the Terms of Service below. By
using Aspriter Art, you (Seller) agree, without limitation or qualification, to be bound by, and to comply with, the entire terms of

As a seller, it is agreed: You are the copyright owner or have the proper permissions for any content for your painting. Aspriter Art
provides an online ( selling and buying service. You understand and agree that you may receive certain communications
from Aspriter Art. You send us your selling price for each painting/artwork. For special events we need your prior written consent
about the selling price and the availability of the work.

Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions, queries or suggestions, and we would be happy to help. We aim to
respond to your query within 48 hours. We'd love to hear from you. Send us an email:

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